Saturday, January 17, 2009

You're a mean one grinchy neighbors

Right now I've got 4 little Hannah Montana impersonators dancing up a storm in my living room. Hailey's having her birthday party and while I've planned some quiet acitivites, this is a 6 year olds birthday party. Naturally the second the girls started showing up and the noise level increased slightly, the phone was ringing. I explained we were having a birthday party for our 6 year old and it would be over by 1 and I'd do my best, sorry. Now you'd think that since the sun has made a rare appearance today they might LEAVE THEIR HOVEL FOR ONCE but no they will remain in their little tv viewing cave calling if the kids accidentally have fun. I tried having them roll a ball back and forth instead of dancing for a few minutes but that didn't last long and I thought screw them, they'll get over it and its her birthday party. I've stopped answering my phone and the door until the parties over. Avoidance is the best policy. I hope they have an oops and its triplets. That'll put a kink in their perfectly childless lives.


Campbells said...

Sounds like these people need to get a life!!!! I mean who really wants to sit around and wait for thier neigbors to make the least bit of noise? We really should just feel sorry for them that thier lives are just that pathetic!!

Campbells said...

Sorry about the misspelled words above, just noticed them after I posted.

Smelly Moose said...

Hee hee, glad the girls had fun. MaryAnn had a BLAST and Sara was SO excite to get her little makeup kit too :) They've been putting on lotion and lip gloss all day and have been begging me to paint their nails. What great party gifts :)

Heather said...

As if you don't LIVE. They should learn to live life and have some fun...but then again...maybe that is why they are such mean grinchy neighbors, they are jealous you have more fun then they do:)