Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My little soccer stars

The girls are so true to their personalities in their sports. Hailey's a real go-getter, she gets right in there and isn't afraid to go for the ball. McKenzie hangs back by the goal doing this funny skipping back and forth thing. When the ball comes near her she moves away or freezes. Once I actually saw her hop on one foot, lifting the other leg away so her foot wouldn't accidentally kick the ball, cringing and closing her eyes. I with I had a picture, it was so funny I couldn't stop laughing. All the kids are thundering down the field to get the ball and there's Kenzie jumping and cringing away in fear of actually kicking the ball. My sister has a picture of her sitting in the field picking grass, while the ball is in play. Carrie and Scott had taken her to the game for me. They hear everyone yelling "tell that little girl to get up, the ball's still in play she's going to get run over." So they look around to see who people are talking about, only to realize that little girl is McKenzie and she's having a lovely time picking grass. She said she got bored. Ah my little athlet. Re-tying her shoe for maximum tightness, yes the game is of course going.

The skipping, hopping technique she uses to look like she's playing. Not to worry she'll make a run for it if the ball gets near.

Look out here comes the Ha!

She runs the whole time she's out on field

My handsome little boy

Hailey's took this herself

Greggers in his big boy bed. He's so good he never gets out unless he's following his idol Hailey. I was braced for months of fighting to get him to sleep. It might be worse when I move him out of the girls room, but for now he's being so good. I'm so lucky he's such a sweet little boy.


chuck and april said...

the pics of the girls playing soccer are cute. i can imagine kenzie out there having so much fun skipping and picking grass! that's hilarious. and that is a really sweet pic of connor. i gotta go do my "research" now.

Shaila Lou said...

Love the pictures of the girls! So funny about McKenzie!! Definitely sound like Hailey too.

I remember how Malcolm used to never get out of the toddler bed, why does that have to end!?@

Campbells said...

I was totally like McKenzie when I was a kid, only in my case it was basketball. I used to run away from the ball!! Also, I really love how greggers has a princess pillowcase!!!!! Yes, I recognize that from the girls having it on their beds.

Porter Family said...

We love the mountains in the background of the Hay picture. Man, we miss those.