Monday, March 16, 2009

Screaming for blood

I wish I had some good pictures of the fun stuff we've done with the kids lately but apparantly if you don't bring your camera you can't take pictures. Who knew? We took the kids to a hockey game 2 weeks ago on school night and the kids had a great time. The girls take after me and say their favorite part is the fights. I've always been of the persuasion that hockey is a lot of fun to watch so long as there a few good fights. Clean hockey is just dull. When we were at USU and could go to a club game every weekend for 2 bucks I discovered that I secretly love hockey violence. Strangely after we had kids we stopped going as often. I think Dave just got embarrassed of his very pregnant wife screaming "FIGHT! FIGHT! YEAH!" The first time he took me to a game he was all excited to teach me the rules. But I just cared about sitting close enough to the plexi glass that I can see their faces slam up against it. The Chiefs creamed the Portland team. Whenever one team is down by a lot they get really mad and fight a lot (learned that from Dave I think that's what they teach in school in Minnesota) There was one really good fight with helmets ripped off and team members jumping in. It took all of the refs to break it up and the penalty box was jam packed. It was great. Hailey was jumping around yelling in excitement. Good to know I'm a good influence on my girls. I think the only part of the hockey game Greg cared about was the part when he got food. I think as long as he gets a pop and something fried we could take him anywhere.

We took the kids for their first trip to Chucke Cheese with our friends Ben and Celeste. (also forgot the camera) I thought it was going to be lame and expensive. It was actually really fun and the tokens went a lot farther than expected. The girls were really into this jump roping game and I thought "piece of cake. If that jr high girl can do it I totally can" Well you can all guess how that turned out. I did worse than the 5 year olds. At first I chalked it up to beginner's luck, but after many tries I came to the conslusion that I suck and am just as uncoordinated now as I was at 8 and left to play pinball. I least I don't entirely suck at that. There was a lot of things for all the kids to do. Even Greg and Connor had fun playing in the play land with our friend's kids. The kids are saving their tickets to get some awesome prize next time. Or maybe after the next 10 times since anything not lame is about 10,000 tickets. Hailey of course had to have something so I convinced the kid to sell me this little necklace for s50 cents. Pretty easy to convince a high school kid when you've got a sobbing kindergartener.
Hopefully I'll start bringing my camera places. Other wise I'll have to post pictures of my kids destroying the play room, playing wii, or watching chitty chitty bang bang for the 100th time.


Carrie said...

Liz you crack me up, dang I miss you!! Sounds like you had fun at the hockey game, I love that you and the kids are so into the fighting, too funny :)

Celeste said...

Yeah, you should start taking your camera with you!

Did you buy the necklace for Hailey from a random kid at Chuck E. Cheese? I'm envisioning you stopping some kid and convincing them that they should let you buy it. It probably went down some other way, but I like my version of the story!

Thanks for coming with us! We had fun too!

Lou and Jamie said...

I love hockey! I have to behonest and say I really just love the fights too. It is great chanting fight and even funnier if your kids are doing it. Just don't let them practice in your house!