Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Boys are so special

Sadly this is a true story. I was changing Gregger's stinky diaper when he starts wiggling his bum all around and straining. Thinking there was something going on I didn't want to experience I tried to quickly put a new diaper on him. He starts yelling "no, no I trying to fart." Well that's just great but I'd really like to have that region covered just in case if you know what I mean. "NO mom I want to fart on you. Take my diaper off!" I'm hurrying faster now, not taking any chances here. "Mom I want to fart you head! Its coming, take it off", pulling his diaper off. I quickly re-diapered, wrenched his pants on and hurried him on his merry way. He chased me out of the room yelling "Mom wait, I want to fart your head!" Ah motherhood. Seriously what is turning my sweet little toddler into this disgusting little boy? Is this what I have to look forward to?


Porter Family said...

Wow. I blame his visit with Da. Obviously, he would have never attempted this without Da's influence two weeks ago. Thus, blame Da.

Heather said...

I think that Mason farts every time I take off his diaper...but Greggers is special, cause I have never heard that his farts are intended for me. I guess you could look at it as the way he tells you he loves you;) Boys are special when they learn grose things like farting and burping way before the girls in our lives. Thanks for giving me my daily laugh!

chuck and april said...

ahhh...yes, that is exactly what you have to look forward to...take it from me.

Shaila Lou said...

Your last three post have been hilarious. I've laughed at all of them. They are all so classic!! Good thing you have them all written down!

Campbells said...

Lucky you! That is every moms dream!